So, yeah Blogmas is here or rather has been since the 1st of the month. Initially I was like ‘nah’ I’m too busy and unprepared so I’m not gonna do it.’ After falling into a Twitter hole of Blogmas posts and an intense FOMO episode I decided to join in on the fun!
Blogmas is exactly the same as Blogtober so you should expect a new post everyday on TFTM. Many bloggers stick to a winter/Christmas theme and others do whatever, I will be doing whatever so I wouldn’t hold my breath for homemade ornament tutorials or cinnamon roll recipes (although I am researching vegan recipes so you never know!). I’m actually looking forward to starting a new blogging challenge and shaking things up again. I realized how much I needed to do just that this morning when I got a little jolt of excitement just thinking about it. Nothing like a new project to remind us that we’re alive and healthy with infinite potential for greatness.
I’ll be seeing you later tonight or tomorrow for the second post of Blogmas! Are you participating this year? Did you come prepared or are you late to the game like me? Leave me some below!