So far this year has been more than a bit rough. Recently I decided to take a risk and resign from my current job without a new one lined up, my family decided that we had been drama free for far too long and um…oh yeah, Donald Trump is president! Suffice it to say “freak out mode” has become a constant state.
We are living in bleak times and though I’ve found hope in the unexpected kindness of others, I find myself constantly battling anxiety and fear. My race-based trauma has flared up many times and I find myself feeling genuine hatred towards people. I’m finally in a place where I don’t want to carry hatred or righteous terror, I want to heal and learn to live in this new world. I will continue to be apart of change but while we are changing the world we must fortify ourselves to continue the fight. I’ve decided to create a five part series of “Soul Soothing” experiences and practices. Things you can do to feel love when the anxiety, hatred and terror creep in. We are united now more then ever and it is our job to take care of each other, so let me take care of you. Check out my soul soothing playlist below!
Just a short note to thank you for your likes on my site, “Through The Cracked Window.”
I value that a great deal.
Be well, laugh at everything, and love without limits.
Stephen, aka, Stoic.