As you know Trump’s recent election as President has not only been a devastating disappointment for me but also an incredible trigger for my race-based trauma. I’ve been dying to get out and do something pro-active with my grief so a couple of friends and I hit the streets and got our protest on!
The A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition hosted the protest; it was pouring rain on and off but hundreds of people came out.
If you’re fighting a storm of emotions like I have been these last few weeks I highly suggest participating in a protest. If that’s not your thing you may consider seeking out a healing circle. The day after the election a friend and I crashed a POC focused healing circle hosted by UC Berkeley’s student union.
I believe the way back to peace is through a healthy combination of gentle, cognitive, activities and proactive demonstrations. Which is why I will be front and center for the A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition’s inauguration day demonstration – after blessing myself with sage and sweet grass.